Wednesday 3 October 2012

Seasonal Change

Hubby and I went for a drive this past week and I took my camera with me in hopes of finding some treasures.  Unfortunately our timing was off a little because we always drove into the sun, so sightseeing was a little difficult with one hand sheilding our eyes,
and a camera in the other hand.  But I did come up with a few gems.  We have been so fortunate to have had sunshine for two months and it is following us into October with more to come.  So seasons have been a little confused.  Take a look at the baskets still in their full glory.

And then I spotted this fall gem.  The colour of the leaves, against this outrageously purple house and its red chair are something to see.
I wish I could hide the bucket but look beyond that.  The beauty surpasses the minor blemish.

I love the seasons. 
There is beauty in them all.

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