Sunday 18 September 2011

Mama's Sewing Basket...

When you spend time sorting through drawers and boxes and what have you, you come across items of memory and nostalgia. In a plastic shopping bag that was in my mother's closet were items that brought back childhood memories. The little needle holder she kept, which happens to be my first sewing attempt while in Brownies or maybe it was Girl Guides. It's too long ago to really pinpoint that time. And then there were these buttons that she saved. I remember a sweater that my Irish girlfriend made for me and sent from Ireland and it had real leather buttons on it.
The card of fasteners was another relic from sewing days gone past. But look at the
fading flowered spool. Not many use one of these today. It's a darning holder. I remember my mother sitting and doing her finest work, darning my dad's socks, so that there were no ridges to rub his heels, but giving some more life to a pair of socks. Today we throw them out and buy new ones. But I love this piece. It use to have a gold painted handle and the mushroom shaped top was also painted gold on the underside. The flowers have faded but it is still so pretty. This will go into my
memory box.

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