Monday, 1 September 2008


I have just noticed that my viewers counter is almost at 5000 hits. I think that means I need
to say thank you to everyone for visiting my blog and add a little sweetness. But before I do,
you need to answer a question for me.
If you could have just one wish, what would it be and why?
Now as I am going on holiday next week, and the following weekend is a holiday, let's
make the closing date September 3rd. On that date, and in the evening, I will post a winner
from all the answers received and send you a thankyou gift. Meanwhile, I do appreciate
all the comments received so far and the fact that you have visited and revisited my blog.
Have a happy day everyone and thank you all. I have decided on a surprise box of goodies

shown above.


lalalla said...

my only one wish? to find my true love:) no more matters in life than love:)

congrats on so many hits,

have a great holidays!


Just Me said...

I just posted my one wish on my blog yesterday. Three years ago yesterday we lost my daughter's Daddy... if I could have one wish it would be that Cassie could have even just one more hour with him.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the traffic! Great job! My one wish is to be able to craft and stamp all day! :D Preferably in a nice sunny spot. Have a great holiday!

StampinCathy said...

Congrats on your hits! My wish would to be able to meet some of the creative, talented and inspiring stampers that I have found in blogland. Have a great holiday and thanks for a chance.

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

One wish...can I wish for more wishes??? Ü I think it would be for all of my children to be awesome, responsible, Christ loving adults.

Sarah Elliott said...

hhhmmm only one wish, lol. I think it would be to be able to stay home with my kids forever. I love being home with them and am very lucky to be in canada where we get 1yr mat leave, but I wish I didn't have to go home after that year is up, I miss them soo much during the day.

Tracy.H said...

congrats on the hits! I would say that my one wish would be that both my hubby and I could retire now...and live comfortably while our girls grow up and then take off in our new truck and trailer...I guess that is actually more than one eh? Well you get the picture. ;0)

Marge said...

Oh, just blog hopping here & hoping my friend, Gwen, & I are the last 2 SBS22 sisters. Keeping fngers crossed!!!
My fondest wish is for our daughter to find happiness in life!
Congrats on all your hits & hope your trip is fabulous!!!

Kristine said...

That's a packed question, eh? Lol. If I could only have 1 wish, it would be for everyone to truly know the joy and love that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

If just that one wish was granted, there might still be wrong-doing in the world because we are human, afterall and we all make mistakes, but the motive to do evil would be gone. To know Christ is to love others more than we love ourselves. It would make life not just bearable, but truly joyful!!

Bunny B said...

My one wish would be to be the luckiest girl in the world! Kinda like that Lindsay Lohan movie where everything always went her way :P That would be nice to have. Although I'm am grateful with all that I have now and do consider my self lucky :)
Thanks for the chance in winning some yummy goodies! xxx
Hope you have a nice vacay!

Gwen said...

Welcome to SBS22!!! My wish at the moment??? That my job not be so stressfull!!! Too much overtime!!!I just want to have a LIFE again!! Hope you enjoyed your holiday!!!

Kathy Gerace said...

I agree with Kristine. My wish would be that everyone would find Jesus Christ as savior and make Him Lord of their lives. It brings joy unspeakable to the soul.
Have a wonderful and safe trip. Enjoy! Congrats on all those hits.