Sunday, 31 August 2008

Yellow Daisy

Well, here is my first card for a long while. Just got back off holiday and am not in creative mood. In fact, I am in a demolition mood. So craft room get ready because I'm coming in with

green bags in hand. I just might find some things I have lost. I have no idea whose paper this

is, as it was given to me but I loved it. So I ran a couple of Michael's ribbons down the side of

a black CS, cut out my template card, punched a hole in the pattern and cut around the flower
motif and taped it back down on the black background. I thought it would look good with a
touch of colour, so I punched out this daisy, using a black crystal for the center and I have a card. I must admit it is much prettier in person. The paper has silver highlites all over it, so it sparkles and adds a lovely dimension. And there you have it, my generic card.
P.S. I decided to take the daisy off. It needs something but I didn't like the flower.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Welcome back from your holiday. I haven't made any black/white cards but am going to have to add it to my list to try. What did you decide to put on it since you removed the daisy?? Looking forward to our SBS22 card swaps and challenges!