Thursday 28 June 2012

Summer Vacation -first day

First day of summer vacation and the girls are watching TV and enjoying getting themselves snacks, that mum left for them.  A knock comes to the door, and a little friend is there, asking if one of the girls can walk to a store with her.  Hmmm - do I
let her go, I don't think so.  So phone mum at work and ask her.  Well, what did she
say?  NO!  So next best thing, they are out back on the trampoline with the dog in
the garden.  Ah, Nana feels better.  Having friends come to the door is something new
for all of us.  It's one of the reasons we moved, because nobody came knocking before.  Now we have a whole new set of rules to enforce and with it the thought that
the girls are growing up.  And we have to let some of the reins droop a little.  Scarey
thought.  I guess we will survive it.  Gee how I wish today was like yesteryear.  We
played outside all day, only coming in for potty breaks and lunch.  It's sad to think how
paranoid we have had to become.  Was this a fact of life, even back then or was it hidden and we lived in a Brady bunch world.  Knowing how protective my parents were with us, I would say no.  We were outside all day.  And in the winter we lived on
a skating pond our parents built for us down the lane.  I miss those days.

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