Wednesday 1 December 2010

We had quite the day today, partially spent at the hospital for mum, then rearranging the mortgage at the bank, and culminating with a birthday party.
Mum had to return to the hospital to have her cast changed on her broken arm.
I found out just how bad she had damaged her wrist. It was a clean break, so
there will be a healing period and possibly another change in her cast as the
swelling goes down in her arm. Then time spent at the bank re-doing our mortgage.
Always a "fun" time and so much paperwork. Guess it's worth it for a 2.2% rate.
It will make a big difference in payments and allow us to double up on some of
them to pay this big debt down and out of our lives. And then we went back to
the home and brought mum to the house to help celebrate her great-granddaughter's
7th birthday. The photo is a much younger version of T. but she can still bring her
leg up to her head. Ow! It hurts just looking at her.
We had to cut up mum's food for her, but she managed quite well with
her "wrong" hand to eat. She chased the last piece of cake around her plate though,
and finally asked me to feed it to her. There was a lot of icing on the cake, so
I asked her if she wanted all of it and she answered with "of course I do", as her
mouth opened like a new born bird waiting for the next tidbit. LOL. Her legs are
getting weaker, so it will only be time before she won't be able to come home. She
won't be able to manage the stairs to the front door. But she is more excepting of
the fact that the seniors residence is her home now. We will bring her home for
Christmas day for gifts and turkey dinner.

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