Thursday 11 June 2009

Mapleleaf forever

Isn't this pretty? So patriotic looking. Red and white, the land of the free.Oh, Canada, we stand on guard for thee. In actuality this is the cover to my finance book. I chose it, because I loved the silver leaves on it. My other book was filled up and thirdly it was bright enough, not to get lost on my desk. I think it is working. The cover looks bright, but inside the numbers and figures look bleak.
Oh we are doing all right and covering everything with our monthly pension cheques.
I still can't get used to getting "paid" once a month only. We could be doing better
but the wolf isn't at our door yet, so we carry on with our daily duties. Sometimes
we throw caution to the wind, and buy a lotto ticket. We win a free ticket but that
big one still evades us. The one that will make our lives even more complicated than
they are now. If it is really big, then we can count on wolves at our door. We just
want a happy medium. Totally paid up bills and some money in the bank to take care
of our eventual aging decline. Oh well, at least I have my bright and happy cover to look at. Maple leaves, forever.

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